BIFSCo Funded Research
Projects in the Field
- Using genomics to identify and control Salmonella enterica serovars of greatest public health concern. EpiX Analytics LLC. Co-funded by NCBA, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, 2023. Expected completion Fall 2024.
- Characterizing Salmonella isolates from ground beef in the United States. University of Georgia, United States Meat Animal Research Center, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech School of Vet Medicine, Kansas State University, Food Safety Net Services. Co-funded by Foundation for Meat & Poultry Research & Education, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, 2023. Expected completion Fall 2024.
Completed Projects
- High-resolution serotype population analyses in pre-harvest cattle to reveal Salmonella transmission networks. University of Georgia. Co-funded by NCBA, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, 2020.
- Literature Review: Pre-Harvest management controls and intervention options for reducing Shiga Toxin Producing E. coli (STEC) shedding in cattle: an update for 2021. University of Georgia.
- Longitudinal evaluation of Salmonella in environmental components and peripheral lymph nodes of fed cattle from weaning to finish in three distinct feeding locations. Texas A&M AgriLife Research. Co-funded by NCBA, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, 2019.
- Impact of the feedlot environment microbiome, soil properties and weather on Salmonella survival and persistence and evaluation of mitigation strategies to remediate Salmonella in soil. Texas Tech University. Co-funded by NCBA, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff and Texas Beef Council, 2019.
- Effects of product moisture and process humidity on pathogen lethality during continuous cooking of meat and poultry products. Michigan State University. Co-funded by Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, and U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, 2018. Report available upon request.
- Development and validation of dynamic predictive models for growth and toxin formation by Staphylococcus aureus in low temperature cooked products. University of Georgia. Co-funded by Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, 2018. Report available upon request.
- Validating growth models for Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, and Bacillus cereus during cooling of uncured meat and poultry products. University of Wisconsin. Co-funded by Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education, a contractor to The Beef Checkoff, and U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, 2018. Report available upon request.